Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Dumb to be Numb

When you allow a controlling person to get under your skin... you risk the chance of losing some feelings.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

What Time is it! Where're my glasses?

Awake. I was dreaming thoughts. There wasn't a thing I could see. They kept happening, so many bumping into me.
All in a darkness I hardly cared... new ones, even old ones... an endless march of reminders forward and back.
Like an empty room filled with words joined together with smiles and frowns. I could feel myself almost awake leaning towards a hundred decisions I once made and a thousand more just out of reach and begging me to think.

Say it Loud

Sometimes taking just a few moments to have a few choice words with yourself can accomplish more than wasting your time thinking it over.

Try to See it My Way.

If frustration necessitates a showdown and all the cards are on the table... just spit out the reminder, "What if the tables were turned?" and be ready to walk away.