Saturday, July 30, 2011

What's About Time

Our lives are about time...
We made it.
We can make more!
We can take more!

We can spend it, lend it,
set it when things are due...
and in the nick of it too.
Just because we created it,
we'll do... when we do.

Hours and minutes?
Give or take a few...
we're all in the same boat
when it's up, take note...

Moment by moment even
just to see us through!
It's a man made system...
our special kettle of stew.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Lost Holy Saturday

Today, as God sleeps... the world weeps.
It creeps closer to what it must reap.
Tomorrow awake with Him and...
thank "Jim" for taking a wife...
giving us life.

Commit no more,
"No one's a whore!"
It's not about me or about you.
What comes next ...isn't just a "text"
It's what's in store and in stone.

We arrive one by one...
and we leave all alone.

Friday, July 22, 2011

"What's On My Mind"

Love... the straight cut pieces that border the jigsaw puzzle of life.
And with those pieces we set the limitless boundaries of life and the love of it.