Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Busy at work... making it work.

The boy is sitting almost at my feet...
toying around with his machine.
Build your computer little kid/almost a man.
I'm happy tonight... play away, parts everywhere
Busy with figuring if that will fit... will it?
Ask me questions... what's this made of?
Just a part made of metal... cold rolled.
He's a busy guy... with a whistle as he works.
I'm helping him and he's happy about it too.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


My sons, how much we always did.
The moment you were born...
all the love, so privileged, I'd give.

Times asleep dreaming through...
high above a cloud.
Eyes quivering so gently shut
next to you... I'm so proud.

Two boys astray?
kids being curious...
seeing things your way,
I'd get furious.

When the lights went out
never without.
I was with you, beside you.

Times asleep dreaming through...
high above a cloud.
My dreams all of you... all I have,
all I'm still allowed.