Sunday, April 29, 2012

And That's That

(Q) Why won't my blood turn from red to rust? (A) My heart refuses to sit around collecting dust.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

On The Phone

It was Nov 8, 1989. I was at, "The Hard Rock Cafe" doing a show/party for the 10th. Anniversary of the Sony, "Walkman." Lots of celebrities were there and hosted by Rich Little. Included as a guest was Dick Clark. Without going into all the details about the show, what it was like... bla-bla-bla, let's just cut to the chase.
Back then, for some reason, the place had only one pay phone. My wife, at the time, was in her ninth month of pregnancy with my second son, Carlo, so as soon as I got a break and the phone was available I called home to see how she was doing.
I was on for about a minute. I turned and saw Dick Clark standing behind me waiting to use the pay phone. I blinked my eyes a few times and said, "I'll be off in just a minute." He said, "No problem, take your time!"
On the phone, I hear my wife say, "Who's that you're talking to?" I said, "It's Dick Clark. He's waiting to use the phone." "Yeah sure, right, Dick Clark!" I felt I had to make this happen real quick so I turned to Mr. Clark and said, "Here Dick, you talk to her, she doesn't believe it's really you."
He smiled and took the phone from me and asked, "What's her name?" I said, "Gina." He opened a very brief conversation with, "Hi Gina! This is Dick Clark!" After a few words and wishing her best of luck with our baby he handed me the phone. I told my wife to calm down... and said good bye.
I gave the phone back to Dick Clark and while he was dialing I thanked him for, "making her day!"
Seven days later, Carlo was born. Here's to you Mr. Clark and how I'll remember you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

She Cries, He Cries

Ah yes, the challenge of understanding when tears are real or knowing how to cope when they're crocodile. For many women those are second nature and staying in practice is essential for maintaining the image of vulnerability and childlike control. Of course, while mans paternal instincts cause him to reach out, comfort and hold... she's smiling and saying to herself, "i win." This is just one facet of how beautiful women are and their instinctive quest to be feminine. As far as men, don't confuse our sensitivity towards the heart and spirit of a real woman as being vulnerable. Although I must admit, our naive ability to determine when that heart is real can bring real tears to a mans eyes.