Saturday, January 4, 2014

Pops Trains

My Father really knew his stuff when it came to things he could build.  He loved trains and each year he'd set up his layout. For me there was nothing like watching him from night to night as his world of Christmas would come together.  It'd take about a week but bit by bit it would appear in our living room.
  My favorite thing was to immerse myself in a place where everything was me and how I could be small enough to ride through the countryside.
 At night, with the lights out, I would go underneath the train board and watch the train make it's way behind all those mountains. Each house and all the street lights would be lit too. Even the moon had it's own light. The entire inside of the mountains would glow with light.
  In that darkened secluded corner next to the French doors I would sit on a small chair that my grandmother brought from Italy.  My mom always knew where I was when the trains were running and that I had the chair but she still had to bust my chops, "You better not break that chair!" She'd laugh.
I can still hear my dad saying to my mom, "Ancora with that chair!!! Leave him alone!"

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