Thursday, December 18, 2014


Of all the things that you can learn in life there's one thing to remember that can save you a whole lot of grief, "You're just asking for it when you try to impress a fool."

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

"Fall on deaf ears."

I know of only one person in my time who really didn't say much but did so well to get their point across. They'd actually sit and listen to every word I'd say... make like they were absorbing all my efforts to communicate with them... nod their head as if to encourage me to continue and when I was done they'd shake their head and walk away like I hadn't said a word. It's amazing what one person can teach you in so few words.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Pulling A Fast One

Fourth grade, December 3, 1954. Sister Mary Jerome had a special thing. If it was your Birthday, that night you didn't have to do the homework assignment. Mine wasn't till the following Saturday on the 11th. As usual I was going to get screwed so I took the shot (no one in my class knew what day it was or gave a hoot) so I went up to her desk and said, "Today is my Birthday Sister. Do I have to do the homework?" She got up, sat me in front of the class and put the Dunce Cap on me and told me I better not ever try that with her again. Then she turned to the class. "Children, Mr. Magistro doesn't know the day he was born." That got a laugh. She also gave me a 500 time punishment assignment, "I must not lie to get out of doing homework." The following weekend I had to do it all over again for using a ball point pen and carbon paper. True story

Monday, November 17, 2014


Today someone presented me with a question that they felt I was required to answer. No matter how much I tried I wasn't able to decide between, "I could give a shit" and "I couldn't give a shit.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


It used to really annoy me that Satan was created just to tempt me to screw up and I could go to hell for listening to him. Well the Devil didn't make me do it... ever. I made my own mistakes and I'm not about to blame him for anything or deny myself credit for what I've accomplished because I didn't pay attention to his bullshit. That's all I have to say about that.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Dinner with Two

When it's just... you,
ya gotta have... two.

"The Ball?"- Old Adage from The Bronx

You think with three things:
"The Mind" "The Heart" and "The Ball."
As long as you keep, "The Mind" and "The Heart" together... you can never go wrong.
But, if you allow, "The Heart" to be influenced by, "The Ball."
Eventually you lose, "The Mind."

Recent Sicilian Saying

Yeah... Let'm do what they do and in spite of what they say.
It's just a tick of the clock closer to direct deposit day.

Fall Back

Blustery Sunday. Leaves of gold... welcome home.
Coffee's hot, toasted bagel's friend.
Fall back, an extra hour...
and savor the blend.

Old Sicilian Saying

Most opinions are made for the sake of quality.
The others are based on the desire to control.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Turn the Page

At times when you can't be on the same page with someone you need to just go back to writing your own book.

G'lookn'... G'lookn'!

Looks are deceiving, age is revealing. No matter what you got or who thinks you're so hot, soon enough you'll be old and gray... still a fool, when they cart you away.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lighten up!

Life isn't a joke but it's good for a few laughs.


Man began to walk on his own two feet when he needed to see above the weeds and had the craving for civilization. Now that all the weeds are gone, the less civilized have returned to thinking that stupid is cool and as far as they're concerned it's time to return to walking on all fours once again.


Having fun with people creates laughter and adds to the joy of living.
Making fun of people creates contempt and secures a life of misery.

They're Just Jealous

"Never allow yourself to be discouraged by anyone who has a problem with your ability to sort things out."

Get'r Done!

Perseverance is the ticket that takes you from knowing what you have to do... to actually doing it.

A Blockhead

Rest assured, an adversary so bitter in denial will fail to realize when they've eaten crow.

It's Funnier in Sicilian

"God bless those who have treated you with respect and God help those who have not."
- Old Sicilian proverb.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

No Big Deal

How bad can it be?
I've had it worse than me.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Stupid Is Not Cool

Man began to walk on his own two feet when he needed to see above the weeds and had the craving for civilization. Now that all the weeds are gone, the less civilized have returned to thinking that stupid is cool and as far as they're concerned it's time to go back to walking on all fours again.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter Sonnet

From my window, not so far below. 
I see the street of black that was white not so long ago. 
The arms of the trees stretch out no longer in fear but tipped with life. 
The greetings of Spring's rejoice delivered best... 
 birds calling out while building their nests.

Monday, April 21, 2014

On and On and On....

I can always tell when someone is actually listening and cares about what I say. I only have to explain it once.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Today's Vent

Those who play others down end up being played out.
Those who stick it to others end up being stuck with themselves.
AND... Anyone who acts like they're never wrong... isn't right.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

About That, "Zombie Apocalypse."

I've been pissing on Satan's hooves all my life and, "he" still hasn't the sack to meet me one on one... mortal to immortal.
 Zombies? My ass.

Work is the canvas that provides us with the freedom to believe that dreams do come true.

Monday, January 6, 2014

My Night Light

Gotta kiss my pillow tonight,
Have to hold it kinda tight.
I'm still feeling some of that fright.
I'll be fine after I reach for that light.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Pops Trains

My Father really knew his stuff when it came to things he could build.  He loved trains and each year he'd set up his layout. For me there was nothing like watching him from night to night as his world of Christmas would come together.  It'd take about a week but bit by bit it would appear in our living room.
  My favorite thing was to immerse myself in a place where everything was me and how I could be small enough to ride through the countryside.
 At night, with the lights out, I would go underneath the train board and watch the train make it's way behind all those mountains. Each house and all the street lights would be lit too. Even the moon had it's own light. The entire inside of the mountains would glow with light.
  In that darkened secluded corner next to the French doors I would sit on a small chair that my grandmother brought from Italy.  My mom always knew where I was when the trains were running and that I had the chair but she still had to bust my chops, "You better not break that chair!" She'd laugh.
I can still hear my dad saying to my mom, "Ancora with that chair!!! Leave him alone!"

In Love With Love

I just remembered something about my very young and naive self and what I'd do when I would come across a flower with petals, like a daisy.
I remember seeing in the movies and cartoons the idea of, "she loves me, she loves me not" and so on till you g
ot to the last petal and your destiny was known.
I never actually had any particular girl in mind but it sure would be nice to have one that loved me. I got the whole concept worked out by counting all the petals before picking them off the flower. It was a perfect plan.
Actually girls would go out of their way to avoid me, but whenever I would encounter such a little flower I would give it my best shot because, as I would think, you never know... when a really nice girl came along I would have a better chance if all my,"love me, love me not" flowers were in my favor.
I can't believe this childhood reminder woke me up tonight.
I guess one could call this, "Being in love with... love me, love me not... love."