Monday, October 19, 2009

Talk To My Head

If you ever loved me or if you even had a clue...
I wouldn't have to be here still paying our dues.
I never asked you for a whole hell of a lot,
except reminding you of what you forgot.

Always up to me to make it right.
I never wanted to get into a fight.
I may have been born at night...
But I sure wasn't born last night!

When it came time for you to step up to the plate,
and tell you what was on time and what was late...
It didn't matter if it was rainy or sunny.
It was just about me and my need for money.

The day came when I said, "I've had enough."
Face to face like a fool I had to be tough.
If I was doing it alone...
I was doing it all alone.

I said everything that had to be said.
I stood there like I had three heads.
I may have been born at night...
But I sure wasn't born last night!

It was about love not money.
An "I love you, Honey" on the first of the month
done and said.
Life's short, you made your bed, take your pick...
talk to my head.

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