Monday, July 21, 2014

Turn the Page

At times when you can't be on the same page with someone you need to just go back to writing your own book.

G'lookn'... G'lookn'!

Looks are deceiving, age is revealing. No matter what you got or who thinks you're so hot, soon enough you'll be old and gray... still a fool, when they cart you away.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lighten up!

Life isn't a joke but it's good for a few laughs.


Man began to walk on his own two feet when he needed to see above the weeds and had the craving for civilization. Now that all the weeds are gone, the less civilized have returned to thinking that stupid is cool and as far as they're concerned it's time to return to walking on all fours once again.


Having fun with people creates laughter and adds to the joy of living.
Making fun of people creates contempt and secures a life of misery.

They're Just Jealous

"Never allow yourself to be discouraged by anyone who has a problem with your ability to sort things out."

Get'r Done!

Perseverance is the ticket that takes you from knowing what you have to do... to actually doing it.

A Blockhead

Rest assured, an adversary so bitter in denial will fail to realize when they've eaten crow.

It's Funnier in Sicilian

"God bless those who have treated you with respect and God help those who have not."
- Old Sicilian proverb.